Monday, January 2, 2012

 I have been working at a middle school foo three  hours a day and it is fun to get out. I don't think I will be working once the baby come,s but I love these ladies.

It has been a while.

 The other day I was at my friend Asia's house and she told me " Why do you not blog anymore?" so I have decided to  write a little update  about my life. Well My baby is now almost two, and I am 19 weeks pregnant.... we are so excited to have another baby! we do not know what we are having yet, but in due time.  I have been really sick the past while but finally getting over it, which is an amazing feeling to start feeling kinda normal.  our lives have been pretty hecktic with my calling and my husband being in the bishopric but we just got a new bishop and he got released... Sunday was the first time in our ward we have sat together in like forever... it was beautiful.  but he got called to be the high priest group leader.. .a lot of old men.. :)

Thursday, July 7, 2011


I have not gotten glasses in 6 years and finally I broke down and got them, Really it's because they want us to use glasses when we are at trek. Marco does not like glasses so I think I will stick with contacts.

Miela Violeta

Miela is such a joy, she is now 15 months, and growing so fast. She speaks English, spanish, and a little sign. she has a really funny personality, and is starting to have tantrums.  She is her own person, She prays, sings and yells, it is so cute when I sing something and she can actually copy what I did, she has been able to do sit ups since she was five months.  She is an amazing sleeper, goes right to bed at 9 every night ans lets us have adult time. which I am very grateful for because I feel I have more patients with her.  she says Gracias,  when you give her something, at church a couple of weeks ago a lady gave her a cracker and she said "Gracias" they started laughing and loved it. she gets into so much!!! and is really fast one minute she is by my side the  next I have no clue where she is. just this past week she started becoming really loving, laying on our legs and being a big snuggeler.  Miela loves her Abuela and always wants to be with her, which I am grateful for yet she gives her what ever she wants so it is showing in mielas behavior.... not cool!  I love being a Mom I cant imagine my life with out her.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I was just called to be the YW president in my ward, and I must tell you, they are amazing!! we just got back from girls stake camp, which was a blast I was my crazy self, they saw a side of me only camp brings out. I have two great counselors, and an amazing bishop, things are good. sometimes I wonder "why me" but the truth is God knows all and why he does things, that is what I have to remind myself a lot. I am going on trek with the youth in a few weeks. I am excited and a little scared to leave Miela.

Miela Violeta Escobar was born on March 31,2010 at 3:17am March 30th was mt due date so I was only 3 hours off my due date. on that tuesay the 30th I went to work feeling fine, very big, but feeling good. I went to a check up at 3:00pm and right after the check up I started going into laber, I did not think much of it because the week before I had contractions that were really close together. the contractions slowed down and I was able to go to sleep at 8:00pm. I woke up at 10:00 with some pretty bad contractions, I told Marco and I got in the bath... not a good idea, they got way worse and pretty soon I could not feel the space between them. I have always wanted a natural birth, a lot of people did not believe I could do it. My mom had told me "if you want a natural birth wait to go to the hospital as long as possible, and I did. I remember screaming at Marco in the car to go faster ( I thought it would be cool to get pulled over by a cop) I know he would of let us go. I got to the Hospital at 1:30am my doc was an idiot!! he tried to force my to get a epidural, I yelled " I CAN SCREAM IF I WANT TO!" hello I was in labor. I wanted to see if a jet tub would help , and he pulled me out saying it was dirty, what does that say about the hospital? then he took my ball away saying I might fall... really?? well the time came to push he asked me if I was wanting to push I said "No" oh he did not care and said " too bad" so I started to push and Miela came out after only 3 pushes.. what an angel!! she was 7lbs 10oz and bright Purple and I mean PURPLE. and after she was out I was so happy I had done it natural... one of the best feelings in the world! Miela is a joy to us we love her so much.
I just put this picture up to show how hot my husband is.